What kind of armour have you put around your heart? Would you be willing to set yourself free?

Would you be willing to ask:

  • Where am I lying to myself that I'm not aware I'm lying to myself and everything doesn't allow you to receive that will you destroy and uncreate it all?  

  • What would it take… what energy space and consciousness and choice can I be to perceive, know, be and receive the difference; when I'm lying to myself and when I am not. Perceiving the difference. And being willing to experience the extreme discomfort of the lie.

  • Are you willing to experience the extreme discomfort of the lie and the unconsciousness by which you've created this particular aspect of your life? Everything that brings up and everything that does not allow this to be more clear and more light for you will you destroy and uncreate it all? What does change mean to me?

Would you be willing to ask:

What does challenge mean to me? 

What does commitment to my life and future mean to me?

What does curious mean to you? 

And what if they didn't have meanings? What if they were everything that you perceive is just a point of view and has no significance? And they became interchangeable? Will you run these processes enough to where there's no significant difference between change, challenge, commitment and curiosity? What would that be like?

Everything that you did to lose that curiosity of self and playfulness and pleasure ability, will you destroy and uncreate it all? What would it be like if we were softer with ourselves and didn't cut ourselves off? And we're less severe with ourselves and how we are living our lives?  

Stepping into you, stepping up into your future is like the foundation of asking for greatness, is the foundation. Coming out of judgement of you, is the number one foundation for you to be greater than you.

If you have vulnerability and gratitude for yourself, who the fuck can stop you...