Episode 102: What is the Ceiling of My Income?


Hello World!!


Welcome to GEMS with Curry Glassell! Each week Curry Glassell has a conversation about Glamour, Elegance, Money & Sex (although not necessarily in that order!)

In this episode of GEMS Curry explains how to bust through the walls of the glass ceiling using accessible and simple to use tools, plus the history of the term "The Glass Ceiling," who knew. Press Play and listen in!!


  • What if the glass ceiling was actually a lie?

  • So how many lies are you using to stop yourself from choosing more more money, more wealth, and more ways to increase your revenue streams whether it's in one particular job or adding two or three extra jobs to your life?

  • Using POC and POD - The magic wand the point of creation and the point of destruction, whenever you become aware of somewhere you've stopped yourself

  • What are you gonna choose today? What are you gonna choose tomorrow? What energy space and consciousness can you be and do to generate more money for you with total ease, and rapidity