Episode 101: Remove Can’t from Your Vocabulary


Hello World!!


Welcome to GEMS with Curry Glassell! Each week Curry Glassell has a conversation about Glamour, Elegance, Money & Sex (although not necessarily in that order!)

In this first episode of GEMS with Curry Glassell, Curry reveals the number one thought preventing you from having more money. What can we do to create a greater future for ourselves? Press Play to listen in!!


  • Your points of view create. We have to think can!

  • If you were to actually turn the polarity, turn the energetics, turn the magnetics of that point of view, because all words, all molecules have energy. Just like the magnetic imprint, it would fall off your body, it would fall off your being, and you would no longer be stuck.

  • You can create something from nothing: You can even begin to create from pennies. What if every penny was a possibility?

  • When you have that gratitude for every and any amount of money that comes into your life, then more can come to you.