The Generosity of Spirit
What is a generosity of spirit?
Generosity for me is being aware of where other people function and including them and not excluding them. It’s not about giving all your money away. It is about being aware of what the other person can receive. Whether it be a 20% tip or a birthday gift.
Generosity of spirit is the willingness to create more possibilities with others and for the world.
Everyone has hundreds of points of views about money. Have you ever given a tip to the wait staff and noticed the smile or the relief in that person? Have you ever noticed the response? Do you take the time to consider their life and their world? In Texas, the wait staff earns $2.00 and $2.15 an hour. I often wonder how people live on that.
I may not be able to change the minimum wage in my state, but, I can make a difference in one individual's life.
The value of money is to change this reality, change people's realities and create a better world
When you are choosing whether you would like to gift something you can ask questions to see what kind of contribution it will be.
Some great questions to ask are:
If I do this, what will it create?
What will the world be like in 5 years if I choose this?
Will this be fun?
Gary Douglas often tells a story about tipping a waitress $6 for meal that cost the same. It absolutely changed her entire world. You don't need to give someone thousands of dollars to be a contribution to their life, it is the act of being generous and caring that changes peoples realities - not the amount of money.
'The value of money is to change this reality, change people’s realities and create a better world.'
How many ways can you be generous with money today? Whether it is for you, somebody else or the planet. What if being generous can invite more wealth and money into your life?
You have the ability to change the world, and money can help you do that even more dynamically. What can you do today with your money to create the world you would like to live in?
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